Have you ever looked up mid-shower and realized your shower head has seen better days? Fear not – a sparkling clean shower head is just a few steps away.

Most of us don’t give much thought to how to clean a shower head until we’re confronted with the reality of built-up grime and lime deposits. Luckily, turning your shower head from grimy to shiny is easier than you might think. In this article, you will learn how to use common household products for an effective clean.

So grab your rubber gloves and let’s dive into the satisfying world of shower head cleaning!

What Makes Shower Heads Dirty?

Ever wondered what’s lurking in your shower head? It’s not just water that passes through those nozzles. Over time, mineral deposits, limescale, and even bacteria can make themselves at home in your shower head, leading to blockages and a less-than-pleasant shower experience.

Close-up of woman washing her legs with a shower head.

The primary culprits behind this unwanted buildup are hard water and the damp, warm environment of your bathroom. Hard water contains minerals like calcium and magnesium, which over time can accumulate and clog the nozzles. This not only affects your water flow but can also become a breeding ground for bacteria – yuck!

Don’t worry though! This is a fixable issue. With some basic cleaning know-how and regular maintenance, you can keep your shower head hygienic and functioning well.

Get ready to gather your cleaning gear and tackle that grime head-on!

How to Clean A Shower Head

Materials You’ll Need

Before we start our shower head spa treatment, let’s make sure we have everything we need. The beauty of this task is that most of these items are probably already lying around your house:

1. White Vinegar: The MVP of household cleaning, vinegar is perfect for dissolving those stubborn mineral deposits.

Close-up of shower head.

2. Baking Soda: For that extra oomph in cleaning, especially if you’re dealing with heavy build-up. For shower heads that aren’t too filthy, vinegar might be enough. 

P.S. For a complete list of our favorite cleaning products and homemade cleaning recipes, check out our full article here. 

3. A Plastic Bag or Bowl: To give your shower head a good soak. Most shower heads should be detachable, in which case we recommend a bowl. If not, go for a bag. Whatever you’re using, make sure it’s big enough to completely cover your shower head.

4. Rubber Bands or Twine: These will secure the bag around the shower head. This isn’t necessary if you have a detachable shower head and you’re using a bowl.

5. An Old Toothbrush: Perfect for scrubbing off loosened deposits.

6. Soft Cloth or Sponge: For a gentle but thorough wipe-down.

7. Rubber Gloves: Optional, but they’ll keep your hands protected and dry.

Remember, safety first! Ensure your bathroom is well-ventilated while cleaning, especially if you’re sensitive to smells like vinegar. Now that our cleaning toolkit is ready, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to the fun part – the actual cleaning!

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Your Shower Head

1. Preparation: Begin by unscrewing your shower head from the hose or fixture. If it feels like it’s stuck, a little elbow grease and determination should do the trick. If it doesn’t budge, don’t worry. You can still clean it in place – just use a bag instead of a bowl!

2. The Vinegar Soak: Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in your plastic bag or bowl. If your shower head is still attached, place the bag over it and secure it with a rubber band. Especially for light build-up, simply spraying some vinegar on the shower head may be enough instead of a full soak!

For a more complete clean, fully submerge it in the bowl. Let it soak for about 30 minutes to an hour. This is a good time to catch up on some other cleaning, like scrubbing down your bathtub!

Woman in clean shower.

3. Scrub-a-Dub-Dub: After soaking, take the shower head out and gently scrub it with the old toothbrush. Pay special attention to the nozzles – this is where most of the buildup happens. 

4. Rinse and Shine: Rinse the shower head thoroughly under running water. If you have a removable head, give it a good shake to get the water out of all the nooks and crannies. This may be a little tough if your shower head isn’t detachable. Consider soaking a cloth in water to wipe it down as an alternative. 

5. Wipe and Dry: Using your soft cloth or sponge, wipe the shower head to bring out its shine. Make sure it’s completely dry before reattaching or using it.

6. Reassemble: Screw the shower head back in place, making sure it’s snug but not overly tight. You don’t want to turn this into a plumbing project!

7. Test Run: Turn on the shower to ensure everything is running smoothly. The water should flow more freely now, and you might even notice an improvement in water pressure. It’s like giving your shower a new lease on life!

And voilà! You’ve successfully cleaned your shower head, ensuring a better, hygienic shower experience.

Pro Tips for a Deeper Clean

While the vinegar soak is a game-changer, sometimes your shower head might need a little extra TLC. Here are some pro tips for when you’re dealing with a particularly stubborn case of grime:

Clean shower-head.

1. Baking Soda Boost: For those hard-to-remove deposits, make a paste of baking soda and water. Apply this paste to the shower head and let it sit for 15 minutes before the vinegar soak. It’s like giving your shower head a mini facial!

2. Toothpick Trick: Sometimes, the debris in the nozzles is too stubborn for a brush. Use a toothpick to gently poke out any remaining bits. It’s a bit meticulous, but think of the satisfaction when you see clear nozzles!

3. Lemon Fresh: If the smell of vinegar isn’t your cup of tea, try using lemon juice. It’s a natural descaler and leaves a fresh, citrusy scent.

4. Overnight Soak: For a shower head that hasn’t been cleaned in a while, consider an overnight soak in the vinegar solution. It’s like a deep cleansing spa treatment for your shower head.

Keeping Your Shower Head Clean

Once you’ve given your shower head a good deep clean, keeping it that way shouldn’t be too tough. 

We recommend giving it a good vinegar soak every month or so, or at least every time you notice it getting a bit grimey. A good way to prevent buildup is to give it the occasional rinse and wipe down – once a week should be more than enough. Also, we recommend using things like vinegar and baking soda because harsher chemicals may end up doing more harm than good. 

By following these steps, your shower head should never get to the point where it needs a real deep clean again!


There you have it – a comprehensive guide to making your neglected shower head sparkly clean. 

Remember, a clean shower head isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about ensuring a hygienic and enjoyable shower experience. Regular maintenance can prevent build-up, improve water flow, and turn an everyday shower into a refreshing retreat.

Now that your shower head is nice and clean, why not take the next step in your home maintenance journey? If you found these tips helpful and want to keep your home in pristine condition, click here to learn more about our custom cleaning schedule, Home, Clean Home. Or, simply drop your email below to get started!


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